Tuesday, April 23, 2024 | 11-11:30 a.m. CDT | Earn 0.5 PDH
Presto Geosystems is proud to introduce the Presto Geo P3 Project Planning Portal, a web-based suite of geotechnical calculations to assist with the project planning and design process. With a personalized dashboard and vast resource library, the Presto Geo P3 portal is a fast and easy way to harness the power of value engineering. This webinar will give you the means to add this powerful tool to your design toolkit, allowing you to build smarter, faster and more sustainability with the full range of products offered by Presto Geosystems.

Learning objectives:
- Understand the functionality and layout of the Presto Geosystem P3 portal, emphasizing the features of the dashboard and resource library.
Identify and explore the geotechnical calculation tools available, focusing on applications in soil stabilization, porous pavements, and site access.
Apply the use of an example calculation in real-world design plans, demonstrating how to interpret and utilize the output effectively.
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