Civil engineers must, as stated in the preamble to the ASCE Code of Ethics, “conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism, and above all else protect and advance the health, safety, and welfare of the public through the practice of civil engineering.”

“These are examples of real-life ethical dilemmas engineers could be confronted with."

Civil engineers must have a professional demeanor in all circumstances.

The integration of human and machine intelligence poses opportunities and obstacles for the civil engineering field.

Handling violations from long ago is a tricky proposition.

Hypothetical situations allow for deep exploration of the ASCE Code of Ethics.

Join ASCE for the professional support and growth that you won't find anywhere else
ASCE gives you the best professional and technical resources.

A zero-tolerance stance is crucial.

Many seem to be cynical these days about the idea of a better tomorrow. On the other hand, giving in to the woes of the world is not a mindset I can ever accept.

Employers must communicate the importance of safety and ethics.

ASCE branch treasurer makes unexplained purchases during his tenure.

A member fails to keep his distance.