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On-demand webinars
- 10 Tips for Winning Federal Business
- 10-Step Design of Post-Tensioned Floors
- 2015 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) - Overview…
- 2022 GI Web Conference 2022: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Technical Committee - Seismic Hazard Evaluation for the Western, Central, and Eastern US
- 2022 GI Web Conference: A Quick Look into Some of the Latest in Grouting Research, Design and Practice
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Technical Committee - Soil-Structure Interaction
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Embankments, Dams, and Slopes Case Histories
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Embankments, Dams, and Slopes Technical Committee - Extreme Events on Geotechnical Infrastructure
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Geoenvironmental Engineering Technical Committee - Subsidence Risk Mitigation in a Low-level Radioactive Waste (LLW) Landfill Final Cover: A Case History
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Geology and Site Characterization Technical Committee - Bioinspired Geotechnics
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Soil Improvement Committee - Case Histories in Soil Improvement for Civil Infrastructure
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Technical Committee - Novel Approaches Toward Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Unsaturated Soils Technical Committee - Unsaturated Soils in a Changing Climate
- 21st Century Bridge Evaluation: New Technologies and Solutions
- A Data Base and Recommendation on 400 Failed MSE Walls with Geosynthetic Reinforcement
- A Data Base and Recommendations on 320 Failed MSE Walls with Geosynthetic Reinformenet
- A General Overview of ASCE 7-16 Changes to Wind Load Provisions
- A Rational Approach to Structural and Seismic Issues Related to Historic Buildings
- Access Management On-Demand Webinar Package
- Advanced Bridge Hydraulics - Moving beyond 1D
- Advanced Culvert Hydraulics with HEC-RAS
- Advanced Topics in the Seismic Design of Non-Building Structures & Non-Structural Components to ASCE 7-10
- AEI 5-Part Kendeda Building On-Demand Webinar Package
- AI for Detecting Structural Problems
- Airfield Pavement Condition Assessment - Manual or Automated? Which is Best?
- All-Access Pass for On-Demand Webinars
- Alternative Designs for Anchorage to Concrete
- Alternative Designs for Steel Ordinary Moment Frames
- An Examination of Unethical Behavior Among Engineers
- An Interactive Approach to Designing Calmer Streets for Residential Subdivisions
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-16 Wind Loads - Three Part Series-PART 1
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-16 Wind Loads - Three Part Series-PART 2
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-16 Wind Loads - Three Part Series-PART 3
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 1
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 2
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 3
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Three-Part Series
- An Introduction to HEC-RAS Culvert Hydraulics
- An Introduction to Traffic Signal Operations
- An Introduction to Value Engineering (VE) for Value Based Design Decision-Making
- An Overview of Natural Infrastructure
- Analysis and Design of Veneer Cover Soils for Landfills and Related Waste Containment Systems
- Antiquated Structural Systems
- Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Improve Mixing and Disinfection for Ozone Contactors
- Applying Access Management to Roadway Projects
- Approaches to Grouting in Karst
- Approaches to Mitigation of Karst Sinkholes
- Architectural Concrete: Design and Construction Strategies to Maintain Appearance & Limit Water Intrusion
- ASCE 41-17 Seismic Hazard and ASCE 7-16 Nonbuilding Structures Package
- ASCE 59-11 Blast Protection of Buildings - Blast-Resistant Design of Systems, and Components
- ASCE 7-10 On-Demand Webinar Package
- ASCE 7-16 Wind, Rain, and Snow Design Loads Package
- ASCE 7-22 Overview & Changes
- ASCE 7-22 Seismic
- ASCE 7-22 Snow & Rain
- ASCE 7-22 Wind & Tornado
- ASCE 7-22 Wind and Rain Loads, and Seismic Design Package
- ASCE's Code of Ethics
- ASCE/SEI 41-17: Performance Objectives & Seismic Hazard Changes
- ASCE/SEI 41-17: A Summary of Major Changes
- ASCE/SEI 41-17: Analysis Procedure Changes
- ASCE/SEI 41-17 On-Demand Webinar Package
- ASCE/SEI Substation Structure Design Guide MOP 113
- Assessment and Evaluation Methods and Tools of Structural Forensic Investigations
- Avoid Costly Mistakes Using HEC-RAS - Understanding HEC-RAS Computations
- Avoiding Failures of Retaining Walls
- Avoiding Problems in Masonry Construction
- Avoiding Problems in Specifying Metal Roofing
- Basics of Drainage Design for Parking Lot including LID Techniques
- Basics of Low Pressure Sewer Systems
- Beaver Dam Analogue Design: Using the Tool
- Beneficial Uses and Reuses of Dredged Material
- Benefits of Pavement Reclamation: How In-Place Recycling has Worked for National Parks/Forests
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Design and Construction of Rigid Pavements
- Best Practices for Crack Treatments for Asphalt Pavements
- Best Practices of Incorporating Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Rejuvenation Alternatives
- Bikeways On-Demand Webinar Package
- Bridge Deep Foundation Design for Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading - Lessons Learned
- Bridge Demolition with Explosives
- Bridge Inspection Errors, Bridge Demolition and ASCE 7-22 Loads Package
- Bridge Scour Computations with HEC-RAS
- Bringing IFC to Bidding
- Build Your Own 10-Course On-Demand Webinar Package
- Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx): What You Need to Know
- Building Renovation On-Demand Webinar Package
- Building/Grid Integration - A Large Untapped Economy
- Buried Plastic Reservoirs and Tanks: Out of Sight; But Are They Out of Mind?
- Calculation and Applying Design Wind Loads on Buildings Using the Envelope Procedure of ASCE 7-10
- Calculation and Applying Design Wind Loads on Buildings Using the Envelope Procedure of ASCE 7-16
- Calculation and use of Time Concentration
- Case Studies in Sustainable and Resilient Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials (SR-SEMM)
- Case Studies on Utilizing the Principles of Natural and Nature-based Solutions in the Arctic and Adjacent Cold Regions: Selected Case Studies
- CE Corps - Striving Towards Equitable Infrastructure
- Change and Claim Management resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Changes to the Nonbuilding Structures Provisions in ASCE 7-10
- Changes to the Nonbuilding Structures Provisions in ASCE 7-16
- Chasing the Automobile - History of Pavement Design and Construction in the United States
- Citizen Traffic-Related Requests - A Correspondence Guide for Working with Residents
- Communication Skills On-Demand Webinar Package
- Complete Streets and Pavement Preservation-Linking Planning and Public Works for Better Communities and Better Infrastructure
- Complete Streets Design
- Computational Geotechnics Technical Committee Presentation on Numerical Analysis of Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
- Concrete and Masonry Structures On-Demand Webinar Package
- Concrete Deterioration Investigations and Repair
- Condition Evaluation of Existing Structures - Concrete and Steel
- Condition Evaluation of Existing Structures - Masonry and Wood
- Connected Vehicles, Smarter Cities, & Modern Signal Timing - How Traffic Engineering Strategies Will Change in the Years Ahead
- Connection Solutions for Wood Framed Structures
- Construction and Management of Sidewalks and Recreational Trails
- Construction Inspection of Geosynthetic Reinforced Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls
- Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Contracting in Transportation Infrastructure Programs
- Construction Vibrations
- Continuous Pavement Deflection Testing and Its Implementation in Pavement Management
- Contributors to Speed and Considerations for Speed Management
- Corrective Work in Steel Structures
- Corridor Studies - A Primer for Agencies
- Cost Justification for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure: Data Driven Economic Analysis for Project Decision Support - Part I
- Cost-Effective Assessment of Pavement Condition
- Creating Self Innovating Organizations with Measurable Results
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Concepts and Fundamentals
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Concepts and Fundaments
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Concepts and Fundaments-1
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Design Steps and Examples
- Curtainwall Primer for Design Professionals
- Decentralized Recharge and Reuse - Innovative Wastewater Systems
- Deflection Calculation of Concrete Floors
- Delegation - Improve Your and Their Productivity
- Design Modern Roundabouts - How to Handle Drainage and Grading
- Design of Adhesive Anchors
- Design of Anchor Bolts
- Design of Building Foundations - Practical Basics
- Design of Foundations for Coastal Flooding
- Design of Geomembranes for Surface Impoundments (Ponds, Reservoirs, etc.)
- Design of Lateral Load Resisting Systems in Masonry Buildings
- Design of Masonry Anchors
- Design of Masonry Shear Walls
- Design of New Flexible Pavements
- Design of Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems
- Design of Restrained Joints for Pressure Pipes
- Design of Roof Structures - Avoiding Common Errors
- Design of Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems
- Design of Slab on Grade for Light Buildings on Shrink Swell Soils
- Design of the Giant Magellan Telescope Enclosure
- Design of Thrust Restraint for Pressure Pipes
- Design of Wood Connections
- Designing and Implementing Separated Bikeways
- Designing Channels for Stream Restoration: Alluvial Channel Design
- Designing Channels for Stream Restoration: Threshold Channel Design
- Designing for Flood Loads Using ASCE 7 and ASCE 24
- Designing Modern Roundabouts - How to Handle Drainage and Grading
- Designing Structures for Tsunami Resilience using the New Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-16
- Designing Water Balance Covers (ET Covers) for Landfills and Waste Containment
- Designing with AWC's National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction 2018 - Overview and Changes from Previous Editions
- Deterioration and Repair of Concrete
- Determining Appropriate Level of Engineering and Use of 'Soft Engineering' for Stream Restoration Activities
- Determining Flood Hazard
- Developing, Implementing, & Managing a Comprehensive Citywide Traffic Signal Coordination Program
- Developing Pavement Performance Models for Asset Management Applications
- Diagnosis, Repair, and Restoration of Building Facades
- Digitization in the Field of Civil Engineering
- Disaster Resilience of Infrastructure Systems: Quantification and Economic Valuation for Decision and Policy Making
- Dredging Fundamentals
- Dubai Storm Water Tunnel - Sustainability Lessons
- Dynamically Loaded Machine and Equipment Foundations - A Design Primer
- Earth Retaining Structures Technical Committee Presentation on Earth Retaining Structures
- Earthwork 101
- Effective Pavement Management and Its Benefits
- Elevating Wood Framed Structures
- Elimination of Deck Expansion Joints on Existing Bridges
- Embankments, Dams and Slopes Technical Committee Presentation on Impacts of Extreme Events on Geotechnical Infrastructure
- Embankments, Dams and Slopes Technical Committee Presentation on Impacts of Recent Extreme Events
- Energy Piles - Background and Geotechnical Engineering Concepts
- Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career
- Engineering Guidance for Nature-Based Solutions
- Engineering Judgment - Structural Renovation of a 100-Year-old Historic Barn
- Engineering Judgment: Low-Rise Building Design and Detailing
- Engineering Mid-Rise Buildings of Wood Construction
- Engineering Practice for Wetting-Induced Collapse of Soils
- Engineering the Future: 2020 Code of Ethics
- Engineering Treatments and Design Development Strategies for Creating Safe Routes to Schools
- Enterprise Asset Management for Infrastructures
- Environmental Issues and Mitigation for Low Volume Roads
- Erosion Control and Revegetation Metrails; Design, Installation and Performance
- Estimating Erosion Rates - Tools for Prioritizing TMDL-Water Quality Improvements, Stream Restoration, and Infrastructure Protection Projects
- Ethical Behavior - The Key to Earning Trust
- Ethics in Sustainable Development for Civil and Structural Engineers
- Ethics: Workplace Strategies for Ethical Challenges
- Evaluating Damage and Repairing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses
- Evaluation and Quantifying Inefficiency in Construction: A Case Study Approach
- Evaluation of Building Structural Stability - A Qualitative Approach
- Evolutionary Optimization for Hybrid System of Post-Tensioned Cross-Laminated Timber and Light-Frame Wood Shear Walls in Mid-Rise Buildings
- Failure of Molecules, Bones, and the Earth Itself: Nanotechnology and Bioinspired Materials in Civil Engineering
- Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites for Civil and Environmental Engineers
- Fighting PFAS, Where Should our Money Go?
- Flexible Pavement Evaluation for Effective Decision Making
- Foundations for Metal Building Systems
- Foundations On-Demand Webinar Package
- From Engineering to Entrepreneurship: How to Prepare For, Start and Manage Your Own Engineering firm
- From Project Engineer to Project Manager – Look Before You Leap
- Frost-protected Shallow Foundations - Design and Construction
- Geophysical Imaging in Support of Geotechnical, Hydrologic and/or Environmental Site Characterization
- Geophysical Imaging in Support of Structural and/or Pavement Investigations
- Geo-Structural Investigation of Existing Structures
- Geosynthetic Applications Accompanying Shale Gas Drilling Operations
- Geosynthetic Basal Reinforcement Over Deep Foundations Including Geosynthetic Encased Stone-Sand Columns
- Geosynthetic Clay Liners in Waste Containment Applications - Hydraulic and Chemical Compatibility Performance of GCLs in Landfill Liner Systems
- Geosynthetic Clay Liners in Waste Containment Applications: Hydraulic and Chemical Compatibility
- Geosynthetic Reinforced Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
- Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System
- Geosynthetics On-Demand Webinar Package
- Geosynthetics Used in Unpaved and Paved Roads
- Geotechnical Applications of Geophysics
- Geotechnical Investigations in Karst
- Geotextile Tubes for Erosion Control, Dewatering and Decontamination
- Getting Started with HOT Lanes
- GI Web Conference, Embankments, Dams & Slopes, Grouting, and Geophysical Imaging Package
- Glass and Glazing: Design and Detailing
- Glued Laminated and Cross Laminated Timbers: Mass Timber for a New Generation of Wood Construction
- Graphic Statics - Primer on Trusses
- Healthy Building Framework - Creating a Low Carbon Economy
- HEC-RAS On-Demand Webinar Package
- Highway Safety Data Systems
- How & Why to Use ASCE 7-22 in Your Practice
- How Construction Tolerances Affect Structural Design
- How to Meet The Federal Traffic Sign Retroflectivity Requirements
- How to Prepare and Implement a Successful Strategic Plan
- Hydraulic Analysis of Storm Drain Inlets
- Hydraulic Performance of Detention Pond Outlet Structures
- Hydraulics 101 - Part I and II
- Hydraulics 101 - Understanding the Basics
- Hydrologic Trespass and Nuisance Considerations in Stormwater Management Design
- Hydrology and Hydraulics On-Demand Webinar Package
- Improving Project Communication
- Innovation in CE Education for Future Ready CEs
- Innovation in Civil Engineering: Examples and How to Do It
- Innovative and Smart Construction: Use of Infrared Thermal Profiling and GPR Pavement Density Scanner
- In-Situ Stabilization of Soil Slopes Using Nailed (or Anchored) Geosynthetics
- Inspection and Rehabilitation Methodologies for Large Diameter Water Transmission Pipelines
- INSPIRE 2023: Climate Change: Case Studies on the Built Environment and Quanitifying Flood Risk
- INSPIRE 2023: Fostering Sustainability in Education
- INSPIRE 2023: Impacts of Energy Transformation, Building Equity into Infrastructure, Machine Learning Assisted Network Resilience Design
- INSPIRE 2023: Natural Hazard Impacts on Infrastructure and Minimal Sensing and Data Fusion for Structural Seismic Risk and Resilience Modeling
- INSPIRE 2023: Open-Source Platforms for Resilience Assessment of Communities and Regions to Natural Hazards
- Installation, Design and Performance of Prefabricated Drains, aka PVDs
- Integrating Resilience & Sustainablity into Civil Engineering Projects
- Integrity Assessment of Deep Foundations: Principles and Limitations
- International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment - Part 1
- International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment - Part 2
- International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment - Two-Part Series
- International Project Development and Construction Risk
- Introduction of Geotechnical Grouting, Rock Mechanics, and Unsaturated Soil Mechanics On-Demand Webinar Package
- Introduction to 2015 International Existing Building Code
- Introduction to Design of Erosion Control Measures Using Riprap
- Introduction to Geotechnical Grouting
- Introduction to Grouting in Rock
- Introduction to Jet Grouting and Its Applications
- Introduction to Navigation Channel Design
- Introduction to Rock Mechanics
- Introduction to Runoff Analysis Using Unit Hydrographs
- Introduction to Solid Waste Transfer Design for Rural Communities
- Introduction to Structural Fire Engineering
- Introduction to the Seismic Design of Nonbuilding Structures to ASCE 7-10
- Introduction to the Seismic Design of Nonbuilding Structures to ASCE 7-16
- Introduction to Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Introduction to Variable Speed Limits
- Investigation and Repair of Fire-Damaged Framing
- Investigation of Winter Roof Failures - Lessons Learned
- Joints in Buildings
- Kendeda Building Part 1 - The Living Building Challenge
- Kendeda Building Part 2 - Reuse and Red List
- Kendeda Building Part 3 - Water and Landscape Architecture
- Kendeda Building Part 4 - MassTimber
- Kendeda Building Part 5 - Kendeda Building Financial Analyses: Magnifying Impact by Improving Monetary Return on Investment
- Landfills and Waste Containment On-Demand Webinar Package
- Large Wood Diaphragms in Heavy-Wall Buildings: New Understandings of their Seismic Behavior and Improving Their Performance
- Lateral Bracing of Flexural Members
- Learning from Failures of Wood-Framed Structures
- Leveraging Earth System Science and Modeling to inform Civil Engineering Design (Part 2): Coastal Flood Hazards and Straight-line Winds
- Leveraging Earth System Science and Modeling to inform Civil Engineering Design (Part I): Extreme Temperature and Intense Rainfall
- Long-Term Durability (aka, Lifetime) of Geosynthetics
- Low Mobility Grouting
- Low Volume Roads
- Low-Volume Road Surface Drainage and Drainage Crossing Structures
- Managed Lanes: From Planning through Design to Operations
- Management and Leadership Skills for Civil Engineers On-Demand Webinar Package
- Marketing 101 - Sleazy Activity or Mutually Beneficial
- Mass Timber Structural Floor and Roof Design
- Mile Long Bridge Planning, Design, & Construction
- Mitigating Effects of Corrosion and Deterioration in Construction
- Mitigating Uncertainty - A Perspective for Engineers
- Mitigation of Carbon Emissions from Construction Projects
- Modeling Bridges Using HEC-RAS in 1-D
- Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) using the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM): Continuous Simulation
- Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) using the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM): Event-based Modeling
- Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) using the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM): SWMM Basics
- Modeling to Inform Civil Engineering Design: A Sustainability Series
- Moment-Resisting Connections in Steel Structures
- Nature-Based Solutions: How to Get Started
- Navigation Engineering - Challenges of Sustainability and Resilience
- Navigation Engineering - Understanding the Basics
- Navigation Engineering On-Demand Webinar Package
- New and Emerging Technology for the Construction of Pavements
- New ASCE Standard - Design, Construction and Maintenance of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavements
- Non-Linear Time History Analysis
- Observation Method For Scour - A New Tool for the Bridge Engineer
- Overview of Nature-based Solutions: Adapting Lessons from Temperate Regions
- Pathogens in Urban Stormwater Systems On-Demand Webinar Package
- Pavement Design, Construction, and Infrared Thermal Profiling Package
- Pavement Marking Maintenance Methods
- Pavement Preservation
- Pavements On-Demand Webinar Package
- People-Centric AI for Resilient, Sustainable, Safe and Healthy Built Environments
- Performance Based Seismic Design of Structural Buildings
- Permeable Pavement - Design Considerations and Tips for Avoiding Failures
- Permeable Pavements On-Demand Webinar Package
- Petrographic Analysis of Concrete Deterioration
- PFAS Contamination – Translating Research to Practice
- Philosophy of Structural Building Codes
- Picking the Right Pump for Water Systems
- Pier and Beam Foundation Design for Wind and Flood Loads
- Pier and Beam Foundations
- Pipeline Condition Assessment Using Broadband Electromagnetic (BEM) Testing
- Planning and Design for Stream Rehabilitation with Large Wood
- Post-Tensioning Concepts and Practice - Beyond the Basics
- Practical Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Strengthening Existing Concrete and Masonry Structures
- Practical Concrete Repair and Rehabilitation Techniques for Major Concrete Structures Using ACI 546R-14
- Practical Design of Bolted and Welded Steel Connections
- Practical Design of Slabs on Grade
- Practical Insights for Diaphragm Modeling in the Analysis of Building Structures
- Practical Life-Cycle Analysis for Bridges
- Practical Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using ASCE 41-13 Tier 1 Screening Procedure with a Case Study
- Prepare to Engineer Tomorrow, Starting Today with Responsible Innovation
- Pressuremeter and Foundation Design
- Prevent Accidents and Traffic Delays - The Art of Delivering and Maintaining Successful Signal Timing Improvements
- Principled-Based Ethics: Character-Builder or Career-Ender
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Career Development
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Change & Innovation
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Communication
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Leadership
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Project Management
- Project Planning: How to Think Through Before You DO
- Project Planning On-Demand Webinar Package
- Project Team and People Management - Part I of II
- Project Team and People Management - Part II of II
- Public Speaking - How to Plan, Design, and Deliver a Presentation
- Quality Management during Design and Construction
- Quality: What is it and How do we Achieve it?
- Quantification of Numeric Model Uncertainty and Risk
- Radar Rainfall Estimation for Modeling and Design
- Reach-Scale Design for River Rehabilitation with Large Wood
- Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, Avoiding Roundabout Failures, and Intersection Safety Best Practices Package
- Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications
- Recycled Materials in Transportation Geotechnical Applications
- Redeveloping Roadways for the Urban Core within Constrained Right-of-Ways
- Refined Analysis to Support Bridge Management
- Regulatory and Warning Signs - Providing Answers to Common Citizen Requests
- Reinforced Masonry Design and Construction
- Release the Leader Within You and Others: The 7 Qualities of Effective Leaders
- Remediation and Monitoring of MSE Walls
- Renovation of Pre-Engineered Buildings
- Renovation of Steel-Framed Buildings
- Renovation of Wood Trusses
- Residential Construction: Pavements, Roundabout and Traffic Design Package
- Retaining and Recruiting "A" Personnel
- Risk and Uncertainty Principles for Flood Control Projects - Understanding the Basics
- River Information Services: Basics of RIS and Plans for U.S. Implementation
- River Restoration with Large Wood - Detailed Design and Construction
- Roadway Construction Inspection Techniques to Minimize Life-Cycle Costs
- Roadway Construction Quality Control and Inspection Techniques for Concrete Surfaced Pavements
- Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements - Applications and Guidance
- Roofing Systems: A Primer for Engineers
- Sanitary Sewer, Pipelines Design and HEC-RAS Package
- Scope Creep: Focus on Prevention and Improve Project Performance
- Sediment Characteristics, Sources, and Movement
- Sediment Transport Basics: Part 1
- SEI Standards Series ASCE 7 & Building Codes - Part 1
- SEI Standards Series ASCE 7 & Building Codes - Part 2
- SEI Standards Series: ASCE 7-22 On-Demand Webinar Package
- Seismic Assessment and Design of Water and Sewer Pipelines
- Seismic Assessment and Strengthening of Buildings and Structures in Areas of Low to Moderate Seismicity
- Seismic Design & Construction: Renovations and Masonry Package
- Seismic Design of Curtain Wall Systems
- Seismic Design of Steel Horizontal, Saddle-Support Tanks
- Seismic Design On-Demand Webinar Package
- Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings: An Overview of Changes to the New ASCE 41-13
- Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using ASCE 41-13 Tier 2 and Tier 3 Procedures
- Seismic Screening of Buildings Using ASCE 41-13
- Seismic Screening, Risk and Assessment of Buildings On-Demand Webinar Package
- Selected Topics Regarding Geosynthetic Clay Liners
- Setting and Achieving Personal and Organization Goals
- Setting and Managing Speed Zones
- Ship/Tow Simulation of Navigation Design Studies: Interpreting U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Requirements
- Significant Changes 7-22 On-Demand Webinar Package
- Significant Changes to Tensile Membrane Structures, ASCE 55-16
- Significant Changes to the General Requirements for Determining Windloads of ASCE 7-10
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Design Procedures of ASCE 7-10
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-10 and Coordination with the 2015 IBC and 2015 IRC
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-16
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-22 Part 2
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-22 Part 3
- S-N Curves for Metal Fatigue, Best Practices, Origins, and Limitations
- Snow Loading for Non-Standard Roof Shapes
- Soil Improvement Technical Committee Presentation on Soil Improvement
- Soil Liquefaction Risk Mitigation Using Earthquake Drains and Other Drainage Techniques
- Soil, Slopes, Geosynthetics, and Retaining Wall Package
- Soils and Soil Mechanics - Nuances of Borehole and Sample Logging
- Solving Problems and Pursuing Opportunities
- Speaking - How to Prepare and Deliver a Convincing Presentation
- Steel Structures On-Demand Webinar Package
- Stormwater Infiltration Basin Design - Design Considerations and Example Projects
- Stormwater Management On-Demand Webinar Package
- Stream Restoration - In-Channel Structure Design and Placement
- Stream Restoration - Proper Channel Sizing and the Significance for Future Channel Stability
- Stream Restoration and Bioengineered Bank Stabilization - Fundamental Concepts
- Stream Restoration On-Demand Webinar Package
- Stream Restoration: What Works and What Doesn't Work
- Strengthening Concrete Buildings
- Strengthening Structural Steel Beams
- Strengthening Wood Beams and Joists
- Structural Building Condition Surveys: Looking for Trouble
- Structural Considerations for Building Additions
- Structural Design of Steel Stairs and Rails
- Structural Renovation of Parking Garages
- Structural Supports for Rooftop-Mounted Equipment
- Structural Thermal Bridging in the Building Envelope
- Success & Failures: Case Studies of Mistakes
- Supporting Suspended Loads from Building Structural Elements
- Sustainability On-Demand Webinar Package
- Sustainability Series Part 1: Carbon Reduction and Renewable Energy (On-Demand Techsession Package)
- Sustainability Studies and Assessments of Ground Modification Works for Civil Infrastructure
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Coal Combustion Products – Part II of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Construction Using Recycled Materials – Part I of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Foundry Byproducts – Part IV of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications On-Demand Webinar Package
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications – Part III of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications - Part III of VI-1
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Sustainability & Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Materials - Part VI of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Sustainability & Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Materials - Part VI of VI-1
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Tire Derived Aggregate in Geotechnical and Environmental Applications- Part V of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Tire Derived Aggregate in Geotechnical and Environmental Applications- Part V of VI-1
- Sustainable Infrastructure Using Envision to Plan, Design and Rate Infrastructure Projects
- Sustainable Sediment Management for Navigation Projects
- Target Zero Injuries - Developing a Comprehensive Safety Program for Engineers and Constructors
- The Blessings of Disaster: The Lessons That Catastrophes Teach Us and Why Our Future Depends on It
- The Competitive Workforce
- The Emerging Partnership between ASCE and NOAA and its Implications for Addressing Nonstationarity in Weather and Climate Extreme in Civil Engineering Practice
- The First Three Rules of Construction - Document, Document, Document
- The Five Most Common Errors Made During Bridge Inspections
- The Future of Transportation, Connected Automated Vehicles
- The Impact of Design, Construction and Maintenance Features on the Long-Term Performance of Pavements
- The Importance of Floodplain Design in Stream Restoration, River Stablization and Flood Damage Mitigation Projects
- The Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling Tools in Water Treatment Plant Design
- The Measurement of Soil Suction in the Field for Geotechnical Engineering Applications
- The Pricing of Delay Costs for Construction Projects
- The Road Safety and Signage Audit - Proactive Roadway Safety in the 21st Century
- The Role of the Specialty Engineer (From the Wood Truss Industry's Perspective)
- The Seismic Coefficient Method for Slope and Retaining Wall Design
- The Value of Structural Detailing
- Thin Pavement Surface Treatments to Improve Friction and Reduction Moisture Infiltration
- To Bayes or Not To Bayes
- Traffic Signal Design
- Traffic Signals On-Demand Webinar Package
- Traffic Studies for Implementing Short-Term and Long-Range Roadway Improvements
- Transforming Urban Water Management - A New Strategy Explored
- Transportation Infrastructure Considerations for Super Heavy Load Moves
- Troubleshooting Unsteady Flow HEC-RAS Models
- Tuned Mass Damper Applications to Reduce Wind Induced Vibrations of Tall and Slender Structures
- Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
- Underground Construction Engineering Technical Committee Presentation on Recent Advancements in Underground Engineering and Construction
- Underpinning and Strengthening of Foundations
- Understanding Firewall Basics
- Understanding HEC-RAS Errors, Warnings and Notes
- Upcoming Revisions ASTME 1527 Standard Practice for Environmental Sites Assessment
- Updating Structural Specifications to Reduce Embodied Carbon
- Use of Geosynthetics for Waterproofing Critical Hydraulic Structures
- Using Gridded Rainfall in HEC-HMS
- Using HEC-RAS 5.0 for a Coupled 1D/2D Analysis
- Using HEC-RAS 5.0 for Two Dimensional Hydraulic Analyses
- Using HEC-RAS 5.0.7 for Two Dimensional Hydraulic Analyses
- Using Nonlinear Analysis and Fiber Wrap Material for Efficient Seismic Retrofit
- Using Technology to Mitigate Wet Weather Overflows and Reduce Infiltration and Inflow (I/I)
- Verification of Computer Calculations by Approximate Methods
- Vibration of Concrete Floors - Evaluation, Acceptance and Control
- Vulnerable Road User Planning & Design
- Water Balance Modeling for Alternative Covers
- Whole Building Lifecycle Assessment: Quantifying Impacts of Construction Materials
- Whole Life Carbon Webinar
- Wind Design for Components and Cladding Using ASCE 7-16
- Wind Design for Industrial Facilities
- Wind Design for Non-Residential Wood Structures
- Wind Design On-Demand Webinar Package
- Wind Loading: MWFRS and C&C Approach for Non-Rectangular Low-Rise Buildings
- Wood Deterioration Investigations and Repairs
- Wood Structures On-Demand Webinar Package
- Working Smarter - Using Brain Basics to Enhance Individual and Organizational Performance
- Writing: How to Engage and Convince Your Readers
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Browse ASCE's comprehensive library of on-demand education opportunities and search by technical area, topic, or product.
An ASCE Continuing Education event, allowing you to earn PDHs to meet your license renewal requirements.
Committee Techsessions are ASCE’s new technical presentations which support ASCE committee initiatives. These sessions provide a structured venue for committees to dive into specific topics and special technical concerns within the industry. The sessions are open to ASCE members and nonmembers to attend.
Certificate Programs are made up of multiple Guided Online Courses, enabling you to go broader and deeper into specific technical areas.
The NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is the first of the two exams engineers must pass in order to become licensed professional engineers (PE).
ASCE brings the highest level of professional instruction to you. Our experts can arrange a seminar to address your organizations' needs and objectives.