Structural Engineering Institute (SEI)
The SEI Board of Governors is in transition over the next few years to a smaller, more strategic Board. SEI Board members each serve a four-year term, except for officers and the ASCE appointed member. Per the SEI Bylaws, this year SEI is running an election for one At-large member and SEI President-Elect, terms effective October 1. The SEI Board of Governors encourages all SEI members to consider service at the highest level of the Institute, and through SEI Committee and Chapter efforts.
March 11, 2024

This column has been describing the progress, activities, and outcomes resulting from the SEI reorganization. Recently, the SEI Board of Governors revised the graphic used to illustrate the new structure, and it has become a highly effective visual for understanding the changes. The new structure illustrated in this updated graphic demonstrates the connections and the benefits of the reorganization. Starting at the bottom and working our way up, each component of this graphic is key to how the new system works.
March 07, 2024
SEI would like to extend our congratulations to all the future leaders, students, and young professionals who received the scholarships this year!
February 12, 2024
Collaborative Reporting for Structural Safety – US (CROSS-US) cross-safety.org/us, an entity of SEI, helps professionals make structures safer by publishing safety information based on reports it receives and information in the public domain.
October 19, 2023
Please save the date to join us for an online workshop to help identify leading practices for incorporating climate projections in community resilience planning.
October 19, 2023

Join ASCE for the professional support and growth that you won't find anywhere else
ASCE gives you the best professional and technical resources.
This articles outline the SEI Reorganization progress, decisions, and milestones. Read on to understand what has been happening and what it means to you.
October 17, 2023

It is my privilege to serve as the President of SEI starting October 2023.
September 20, 2023

As SEI sets its sights on an exciting new chapter with our Reorganization we would like welcome the 2023-2024 SEI Board of Governors.
August 25, 2023

It is with great honor and gratitude that I thank you for allowing me to serve as the 2022-23 Structural Engineering Institute's President.
August 25, 2023

Are you looking to get involved in the revision of an ASCE/SEI Standard?
July 20, 2023