July/August 2022

Civil Engineering magazine July/August 2022

Rope access systems help engineers keep a giant radio telescope scanning the skies within a protected zone in Green Bank, West Virginia.
Telescope inspectors reach for the stars in West Virginia
The $2 billion Mid-Coast Trolley light rail extension project was an exercise in meticulous planning and collaborative stakeholder participation.
San Diego trolley extension improves light rail service, reduces vehicle traffic
As the world grows warmer, engineers strive to protect and preserve our threatened infrastructure from wildfires and heat waves.
How engineers combat conditions within the ‘red zone’ of global warming
Tasked with completing the Las Vegas Convention Center’s 1.4 million sq ft expansion in record time, the project team developed tailored structural solutions.
Big bet pays off for Las Vegas
The project was one of the final steps in a multidecade program to protect the critical infrastructure surrounding the Santa Ana River.
Bridge scour protections bolster flood prevention efforts in Southern California