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An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 2
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- 10 Tips for Winning Federal Business
- 10-Step Design of Post-Tensioned Floors
- 2015 Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) - Overview…
- 2022 GI Web Conference 2022: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Technical Committee - Seismic Hazard Evaluation for the Western, Central, and Eastern US
- 2022 GI Web Conference: A Quick Look into Some of the Latest in Grouting Research, Design and Practice
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Technical Committee - Soil-Structure Interaction
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Embankments, Dams, and Slopes Case Histories
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Embankments, Dams, and Slopes Technical Committee - Extreme Events on Geotechnical Infrastructure
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Geoenvironmental Engineering Technical Committee - Subsidence Risk Mitigation in a Low-level Radioactive Waste (LLW) Landfill Final Cover: A Case History
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Geology and Site Characterization Technical Committee - Bioinspired Geotechnics
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Soil Improvement Committee - Case Histories in Soil Improvement for Civil Infrastructure
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Technical Committee - Novel Approaches Toward Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering
- 2022 GI Web Conference: Unsaturated Soils Technical Committee - Unsaturated Soils in a Changing Climate
- 21st Century Bridge Evaluation: New Technologies and Solutions
- A Data Base and Recommendation on 400 Failed MSE Walls with Geosynthetic Reinforcement
- A Data Base and Recommendations on 320 Failed MSE Walls with Geosynthetic Reinformenet
- A General Overview of ASCE 7-16 Changes to Wind Load Provisions
- A Rational Approach to Structural and Seismic Issues Related to Historic Buildings
- Access Management On-Demand Webinar Package
- Advanced Bridge Hydraulics - Moving beyond 1D
- Advanced Culvert Hydraulics with HEC-RAS
- Advanced Topics in the Seismic Design of Non-Building Structures & Non-Structural Components to ASCE 7-10
- AEI 5-Part Kendeda Building On-Demand Webinar Package
- AI for Detecting Structural Problems
- Airfield Pavement Condition Assessment - Manual or Automated? Which is Best?
- All-Access Pass for On-Demand Webinars
- Alternative Designs for Anchorage to Concrete
- Alternative Designs for Steel Ordinary Moment Frames
- An Examination of Unethical Behavior Among Engineers
- An Interactive Approach to Designing Calmer Streets for Residential Subdivisions
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-16 Wind Loads - Three Part Series-PART 1
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-16 Wind Loads - Three Part Series-PART 2
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-16 Wind Loads - Three Part Series-PART 3
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 1
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 2
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 3
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Three-Part Series
- An Introduction to HEC-RAS Culvert Hydraulics
- An Introduction to Traffic Signal Operations
- An Introduction to Value Engineering (VE) for Value Based Design Decision-Making
- An Overview of Natural Infrastructure
- Analysis and Design of Veneer Cover Soils for Landfills and Related Waste Containment Systems
- Antiquated Structural Systems
- Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Improve Mixing and Disinfection for Ozone Contactors
- Applying Access Management to Roadway Projects
- Approaches to Grouting in Karst
- Approaches to Mitigation of Karst Sinkholes
- Architectural Concrete: Design and Construction Strategies to Maintain Appearance & Limit Water Intrusion
- ASCE 41-17 Seismic Hazard and ASCE 7-16 Nonbuilding Structures Package
- ASCE 59-11 Blast Protection of Buildings - Blast-Resistant Design of Systems, and Components
- ASCE 7-10 On-Demand Webinar Package
- ASCE 7-16 Wind, Rain, and Snow Design Loads Package
- ASCE 7-22 Overview & Changes
- ASCE 7-22 Seismic
- ASCE 7-22 Snow & Rain
- ASCE 7-22 Wind & Tornado
- ASCE 7-22 Wind and Rain Loads, and Seismic Design Package
- ASCE's Code of Ethics
- ASCE/SEI 41-17: Performance Objectives & Seismic Hazard Changes
- ASCE/SEI 41-17: A Summary of Major Changes
- ASCE/SEI 41-17: Analysis Procedure Changes
- ASCE/SEI 41-17 On-Demand Webinar Package
- ASCE/SEI Substation Structure Design Guide MOP 113
- Assessment and Evaluation Methods and Tools of Structural Forensic Investigations
- Avoid Costly Mistakes Using HEC-RAS - Understanding HEC-RAS Computations
- Avoiding Failures of Retaining Walls
- Avoiding Problems in Masonry Construction
- Avoiding Problems in Specifying Metal Roofing
- Basics of Drainage Design for Parking Lot including LID Techniques
- Basics of Low Pressure Sewer Systems
- Beaver Dam Analogue Design: Using the Tool
- Beneficial Uses and Reuses of Dredged Material
- Benefits of Pavement Reclamation: How In-Place Recycling has Worked for National Parks/Forests
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned from the Design and Construction of Rigid Pavements
- Best Practices for Crack Treatments for Asphalt Pavements
- Best Practices of Incorporating Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Rejuvenation Alternatives
- Bikeways On-Demand Webinar Package
- Bridge Deep Foundation Design for Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading - Lessons Learned
- Bridge Demolition with Explosives
- Bridge Inspection Errors, Bridge Demolition and ASCE 7-22 Loads Package
- Bridge Scour Computations with HEC-RAS
- Bringing IFC to Bidding
- Build Your Own 10-Course On-Demand Webinar Package
- Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx): What You Need to Know
- Building Renovation On-Demand Webinar Package
- Building/Grid Integration - A Large Untapped Economy
- Buried Plastic Reservoirs and Tanks: Out of Sight; But Are They Out of Mind?
- Calculation and Applying Design Wind Loads on Buildings Using the Envelope Procedure of ASCE 7-10
- Calculation and Applying Design Wind Loads on Buildings Using the Envelope Procedure of ASCE 7-16
- Calculation and use of Time Concentration
- Case Studies in Sustainable and Resilient Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials (SR-SEMM)
- Case Studies on Utilizing the Principles of Natural and Nature-based Solutions in the Arctic and Adjacent Cold Regions: Selected Case Studies
- CE Corps - Striving Towards Equitable Infrastructure
- Change and Claim Management resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Changes to the Nonbuilding Structures Provisions in ASCE 7-10
- Changes to the Nonbuilding Structures Provisions in ASCE 7-16
- Chasing the Automobile - History of Pavement Design and Construction in the United States
- Citizen Traffic-Related Requests - A Correspondence Guide for Working with Residents
- Communication Skills On-Demand Webinar Package
- Complete Streets and Pavement Preservation-Linking Planning and Public Works for Better Communities and Better Infrastructure
- Complete Streets Design
- Computational Geotechnics Technical Committee Presentation on Numerical Analysis of Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
- Concrete and Masonry Structures On-Demand Webinar Package
- Concrete Deterioration Investigations and Repair
- Condition Evaluation of Existing Structures - Concrete and Steel
- Condition Evaluation of Existing Structures - Masonry and Wood
- Connected Vehicles, Smarter Cities, & Modern Signal Timing - How Traffic Engineering Strategies Will Change in the Years Ahead
- Connection Solutions for Wood Framed Structures
- Construction and Management of Sidewalks and Recreational Trails
- Construction Inspection of Geosynthetic Reinforced Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls
- Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Contracting in Transportation Infrastructure Programs
- Construction Vibrations
- Continuous Pavement Deflection Testing and Its Implementation in Pavement Management
- Contributors to Speed and Considerations for Speed Management
- Corrective Work in Steel Structures
- Corridor Studies - A Primer for Agencies
- Cost Justification for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure: Data Driven Economic Analysis for Project Decision Support - Part I
- Cost-Effective Assessment of Pavement Condition
- Creating Self Innovating Organizations with Measurable Results
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Concepts and Fundamentals
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Concepts and Fundaments
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Concepts and Fundaments-1
- Culvert Design for Fish Passage - Design Steps and Examples
- Curtainwall Primer for Design Professionals
- Decentralized Recharge and Reuse - Innovative Wastewater Systems
- Deflection Calculation of Concrete Floors
- Delegation - Improve Your and Their Productivity
- Design Modern Roundabouts - How to Handle Drainage and Grading
- Design of Adhesive Anchors
- Design of Anchor Bolts
- Design of Building Foundations - Practical Basics
- Design of Foundations for Coastal Flooding
- Design of Geomembranes for Surface Impoundments (Ponds, Reservoirs, etc.)
- Design of Lateral Load Resisting Systems in Masonry Buildings
- Design of Masonry Anchors
- Design of Masonry Shear Walls
- Design of New Flexible Pavements
- Design of Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems
- Design of Restrained Joints for Pressure Pipes
- Design of Roof Structures - Avoiding Common Errors
- Design of Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems
- Design of Slab on Grade for Light Buildings on Shrink Swell Soils
- Design of the Giant Magellan Telescope Enclosure
- Design of Thrust Restraint for Pressure Pipes
- Design of Wood Connections
- Designing and Implementing Separated Bikeways
- Designing Channels for Stream Restoration: Alluvial Channel Design
- Designing Channels for Stream Restoration: Threshold Channel Design
- Designing for Flood Loads Using ASCE 7 and ASCE 24
- Designing Modern Roundabouts - How to Handle Drainage and Grading
- Designing Structures for Tsunami Resilience using the New Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-16
- Designing Water Balance Covers (ET Covers) for Landfills and Waste Containment
- Designing with AWC's National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction 2018 - Overview and Changes from Previous Editions
- Deterioration and Repair of Concrete
- Determining Appropriate Level of Engineering and Use of 'Soft Engineering' for Stream Restoration Activities
- Determining Flood Hazard
- Developing, Implementing, & Managing a Comprehensive Citywide Traffic Signal Coordination Program
- Developing Pavement Performance Models for Asset Management Applications
- Diagnosis, Repair, and Restoration of Building Facades
- Digitization in the Field of Civil Engineering
- Disaster Resilience of Infrastructure Systems: Quantification and Economic Valuation for Decision and Policy Making
- Dredging Fundamentals
- Dubai Storm Water Tunnel - Sustainability Lessons
- Dynamically Loaded Machine and Equipment Foundations - A Design Primer
- Earth Retaining Structures Technical Committee Presentation on Earth Retaining Structures
- Earthwork 101
- Effective Pavement Management and Its Benefits
- Elevating Wood Framed Structures
- Elimination of Deck Expansion Joints on Existing Bridges
- Embankments, Dams and Slopes Technical Committee Presentation on Impacts of Extreme Events on Geotechnical Infrastructure
- Embankments, Dams and Slopes Technical Committee Presentation on Impacts of Recent Extreme Events
- Energy Piles - Background and Geotechnical Engineering Concepts
- Engineer Your Own Success: 7 Key Elements to Creating an Extraordinary Engineering Career
- Engineering Guidance for Nature-Based Solutions
- Engineering Judgment - Structural Renovation of a 100-Year-old Historic Barn
- Engineering Judgment: Low-Rise Building Design and Detailing
- Engineering Mid-Rise Buildings of Wood Construction
- Engineering Practice for Wetting-Induced Collapse of Soils
- Engineering the Future: 2020 Code of Ethics
- Engineering Treatments and Design Development Strategies for Creating Safe Routes to Schools
- Enterprise Asset Management for Infrastructures
- Environmental Issues and Mitigation for Low Volume Roads
- Erosion Control and Revegetation Metrails; Design, Installation and Performance
- Estimating Erosion Rates - Tools for Prioritizing TMDL-Water Quality Improvements, Stream Restoration, and Infrastructure Protection Projects
- Ethical Behavior - The Key to Earning Trust
- Ethics in Sustainable Development for Civil and Structural Engineers
- Ethics: Workplace Strategies for Ethical Challenges
- Evaluating Damage and Repairing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses
- Evaluation and Quantifying Inefficiency in Construction: A Case Study Approach
- Evaluation of Building Structural Stability - A Qualitative Approach
- Evolutionary Optimization for Hybrid System of Post-Tensioned Cross-Laminated Timber and Light-Frame Wood Shear Walls in Mid-Rise Buildings
- Failure of Molecules, Bones, and the Earth Itself: Nanotechnology and Bioinspired Materials in Civil Engineering
- Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites for Civil and Environmental Engineers
- Fighting PFAS, Where Should our Money Go?
- Flexible Pavement Evaluation for Effective Decision Making
- Foundations for Metal Building Systems
- Foundations On-Demand Webinar Package
- From Engineering to Entrepreneurship: How to Prepare For, Start and Manage Your Own Engineering firm
- From Project Engineer to Project Manager – Look Before You Leap
- Frost-protected Shallow Foundations - Design and Construction
- Geophysical Imaging in Support of Geotechnical, Hydrologic and/or Environmental Site Characterization
- Geophysical Imaging in Support of Structural and/or Pavement Investigations
- Geo-Structural Investigation of Existing Structures
- Geosynthetic Applications Accompanying Shale Gas Drilling Operations
- Geosynthetic Basal Reinforcement Over Deep Foundations Including Geosynthetic Encased Stone-Sand Columns
- Geosynthetic Clay Liners in Waste Containment Applications - Hydraulic and Chemical Compatibility Performance of GCLs in Landfill Liner Systems
- Geosynthetic Clay Liners in Waste Containment Applications: Hydraulic and Chemical Compatibility
- Geosynthetic Reinforced Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
- Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System
- Geosynthetics On-Demand Webinar Package
- Geosynthetics Used in Unpaved and Paved Roads
- Geotechnical Applications of Geophysics
- Geotechnical Investigations in Karst
- Geotextile Tubes for Erosion Control, Dewatering and Decontamination
- Getting Started with HOT Lanes
- GI Web Conference, Embankments, Dams & Slopes, Grouting, and Geophysical Imaging Package
- Glass and Glazing: Design and Detailing
- Glued Laminated and Cross Laminated Timbers: Mass Timber for a New Generation of Wood Construction
- Graphic Statics - Primer on Trusses
- Healthy Building Framework - Creating a Low Carbon Economy
- HEC-RAS On-Demand Webinar Package
- Highway Safety Data Systems
- How & Why to Use ASCE 7-22 in Your Practice
- How Construction Tolerances Affect Structural Design
- How to Meet The Federal Traffic Sign Retroflectivity Requirements
- How to Prepare and Implement a Successful Strategic Plan
- Hydraulic Analysis of Storm Drain Inlets
- Hydraulic Performance of Detention Pond Outlet Structures
- Hydraulics 101 - Part I and II
- Hydraulics 101 - Understanding the Basics
- Hydrologic Trespass and Nuisance Considerations in Stormwater Management Design
- Hydrology and Hydraulics On-Demand Webinar Package
- Improving Project Communication
- Innovation in CE Education for Future Ready CEs
- Innovation in Civil Engineering: Examples and How to Do It
- Innovative and Smart Construction: Use of Infrared Thermal Profiling and GPR Pavement Density Scanner
- In-Situ Stabilization of Soil Slopes Using Nailed (or Anchored) Geosynthetics
- Inspection and Rehabilitation Methodologies for Large Diameter Water Transmission Pipelines
- INSPIRE 2023: Climate Change: Case Studies on the Built Environment and Quanitifying Flood Risk
- INSPIRE 2023: Fostering Sustainability in Education
- INSPIRE 2023: Impacts of Energy Transformation, Building Equity into Infrastructure, Machine Learning Assisted Network Resilience Design
- INSPIRE 2023: Natural Hazard Impacts on Infrastructure and Minimal Sensing and Data Fusion for Structural Seismic Risk and Resilience Modeling
- INSPIRE 2023: Open-Source Platforms for Resilience Assessment of Communities and Regions to Natural Hazards
- Installation, Design and Performance of Prefabricated Drains, aka PVDs
- Integrating Resilience & Sustainablity into Civil Engineering Projects
- Integrity Assessment of Deep Foundations: Principles and Limitations
- International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment - Part 1
- International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment - Part 2
- International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment - Two-Part Series
- International Project Development and Construction Risk
- Introduction of Geotechnical Grouting, Rock Mechanics, and Unsaturated Soil Mechanics On-Demand Webinar Package
- Introduction to 2015 International Existing Building Code
- Introduction to Design of Erosion Control Measures Using Riprap
- Introduction to Geotechnical Grouting
- Introduction to Grouting in Rock
- Introduction to Jet Grouting and Its Applications
- Introduction to Navigation Channel Design
- Introduction to Rock Mechanics
- Introduction to Runoff Analysis Using Unit Hydrographs
- Introduction to Solid Waste Transfer Design for Rural Communities
- Introduction to Structural Fire Engineering
- Introduction to the Seismic Design of Nonbuilding Structures to ASCE 7-10
- Introduction to the Seismic Design of Nonbuilding Structures to ASCE 7-16
- Introduction to Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Introduction to Variable Speed Limits
- Investigation and Repair of Fire-Damaged Framing
- Investigation of Winter Roof Failures - Lessons Learned
- Joints in Buildings
- Kendeda Building Part 1 - The Living Building Challenge
- Kendeda Building Part 2 - Reuse and Red List
- Kendeda Building Part 3 - Water and Landscape Architecture
- Kendeda Building Part 4 - MassTimber
- Kendeda Building Part 5 - Kendeda Building Financial Analyses: Magnifying Impact by Improving Monetary Return on Investment
- Landfills and Waste Containment On-Demand Webinar Package
- Large Wood Diaphragms in Heavy-Wall Buildings: New Understandings of their Seismic Behavior and Improving Their Performance
- Lateral Bracing of Flexural Members
- Learning from Failures of Wood-Framed Structures
- Leveraging Earth System Science and Modeling to inform Civil Engineering Design (Part 2): Coastal Flood Hazards and Straight-line Winds
- Leveraging Earth System Science and Modeling to inform Civil Engineering Design (Part I): Extreme Temperature and Intense Rainfall
- Long-Term Durability (aka, Lifetime) of Geosynthetics
- Low Mobility Grouting
- Low Volume Roads
- Low-Volume Road Surface Drainage and Drainage Crossing Structures
- Managed Lanes: From Planning through Design to Operations
- Management and Leadership Skills for Civil Engineers On-Demand Webinar Package
- Marketing 101 - Sleazy Activity or Mutually Beneficial
- Mass Timber Structural Floor and Roof Design
- Mile Long Bridge Planning, Design, & Construction
- Mitigating Effects of Corrosion and Deterioration in Construction
- Mitigating Uncertainty - A Perspective for Engineers
- Mitigation of Carbon Emissions from Construction Projects
- Modeling Bridges Using HEC-RAS in 1-D
- Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) using the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM): Continuous Simulation
- Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) using the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM): Event-based Modeling
- Modeling Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Infrastructure (GI) using the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM): SWMM Basics
- Modeling to Inform Civil Engineering Design: A Sustainability Series
- Moment-Resisting Connections in Steel Structures
- Nature-Based Solutions: How to Get Started
- Navigation Engineering - Challenges of Sustainability and Resilience
- Navigation Engineering - Understanding the Basics
- Navigation Engineering On-Demand Webinar Package
- New and Emerging Technology for the Construction of Pavements
- New ASCE Standard - Design, Construction and Maintenance of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavements
- Non-Linear Time History Analysis
- Observation Method For Scour - A New Tool for the Bridge Engineer
- Overview of Nature-based Solutions: Adapting Lessons from Temperate Regions
- Pathogens in Urban Stormwater Systems On-Demand Webinar Package
- Pavement Design, Construction, and Infrared Thermal Profiling Package
- Pavement Marking Maintenance Methods
- Pavement Preservation
- Pavements On-Demand Webinar Package
- People-Centric AI for Resilient, Sustainable, Safe and Healthy Built Environments
- Performance Based Seismic Design of Structural Buildings
- Permeable Pavement - Design Considerations and Tips for Avoiding Failures
- Permeable Pavements On-Demand Webinar Package
- Petrographic Analysis of Concrete Deterioration
- PFAS Contamination – Translating Research to Practice
- Philosophy of Structural Building Codes
- Picking the Right Pump for Water Systems
- Pier and Beam Foundation Design for Wind and Flood Loads
- Pier and Beam Foundations
- Pipeline Condition Assessment Using Broadband Electromagnetic (BEM) Testing
- Planning and Design for Stream Rehabilitation with Large Wood
- Post-Tensioning Concepts and Practice - Beyond the Basics
- Practical Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Strengthening Existing Concrete and Masonry Structures
- Practical Concrete Repair and Rehabilitation Techniques for Major Concrete Structures Using ACI 546R-14
- Practical Design of Bolted and Welded Steel Connections
- Practical Design of Slabs on Grade
- Practical Insights for Diaphragm Modeling in the Analysis of Building Structures
- Practical Life-Cycle Analysis for Bridges
- Practical Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using ASCE 41-13 Tier 1 Screening Procedure with a Case Study
- Prepare to Engineer Tomorrow, Starting Today with Responsible Innovation
- Pressuremeter and Foundation Design
- Prevent Accidents and Traffic Delays - The Art of Delivering and Maintaining Successful Signal Timing Improvements
- Principled-Based Ethics: Character-Builder or Career-Ender
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Career Development
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Change & Innovation
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Communication
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Leadership
- Professional Skills Series in Leadership and Management: Project Management
- Project Planning: How to Think Through Before You DO
- Project Planning On-Demand Webinar Package
- Project Team and People Management - Part I of II
- Project Team and People Management - Part II of II
- Public Speaking - How to Plan, Design, and Deliver a Presentation
- Quality Management during Design and Construction
- Quality: What is it and How do we Achieve it?
- Quantification of Numeric Model Uncertainty and Risk
- Radar Rainfall Estimation for Modeling and Design
- Reach-Scale Design for River Rehabilitation with Large Wood
- Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, Avoiding Roundabout Failures, and Intersection Safety Best Practices Package
- Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications
- Recycled Materials in Transportation Geotechnical Applications
- Redeveloping Roadways for the Urban Core within Constrained Right-of-Ways
- Refined Analysis to Support Bridge Management
- Regulatory and Warning Signs - Providing Answers to Common Citizen Requests
- Reinforced Masonry Design and Construction
- Release the Leader Within You and Others: The 7 Qualities of Effective Leaders
- Remediation and Monitoring of MSE Walls
- Renovation of Pre-Engineered Buildings
- Renovation of Steel-Framed Buildings
- Renovation of Wood Trusses
- Residential Construction: Pavements, Roundabout and Traffic Design Package
- Retaining and Recruiting "A" Personnel
- Risk and Uncertainty Principles for Flood Control Projects - Understanding the Basics
- River Information Services: Basics of RIS and Plans for U.S. Implementation
- River Restoration with Large Wood - Detailed Design and Construction
- Roadway Construction Inspection Techniques to Minimize Life-Cycle Costs
- Roadway Construction Quality Control and Inspection Techniques for Concrete Surfaced Pavements
- Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements - Applications and Guidance
- Roofing Systems: A Primer for Engineers
- Sanitary Sewer, Pipelines Design and HEC-RAS Package
- Scope Creep: Focus on Prevention and Improve Project Performance
- Sediment Characteristics, Sources, and Movement
- Sediment Transport Basics: Part 1
- SEI Standards Series ASCE 7 & Building Codes - Part 1
- SEI Standards Series ASCE 7 & Building Codes - Part 2
- SEI Standards Series: ASCE 7-22 On-Demand Webinar Package
- Seismic Assessment and Design of Water and Sewer Pipelines
- Seismic Assessment and Strengthening of Buildings and Structures in Areas of Low to Moderate Seismicity
- Seismic Design & Construction: Renovations and Masonry Package
- Seismic Design of Curtain Wall Systems
- Seismic Design of Steel Horizontal, Saddle-Support Tanks
- Seismic Design On-Demand Webinar Package
- Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings: An Overview of Changes to the New ASCE 41-13
- Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using ASCE 41-13 Tier 2 and Tier 3 Procedures
- Seismic Screening of Buildings Using ASCE 41-13
- Seismic Screening, Risk and Assessment of Buildings On-Demand Webinar Package
- Selected Topics Regarding Geosynthetic Clay Liners
- Setting and Achieving Personal and Organization Goals
- Setting and Managing Speed Zones
- Ship/Tow Simulation of Navigation Design Studies: Interpreting U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Requirements
- Significant Changes 7-22 On-Demand Webinar Package
- Significant Changes to Tensile Membrane Structures, ASCE 55-16
- Significant Changes to the General Requirements for Determining Windloads of ASCE 7-10
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Design Procedures of ASCE 7-10
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-10 and Coordination with the 2015 IBC and 2015 IRC
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-16
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-22 Part 2
- Significant Changes to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-22 Part 3
- S-N Curves for Metal Fatigue, Best Practices, Origins, and Limitations
- Snow Loading for Non-Standard Roof Shapes
- Soil Improvement Technical Committee Presentation on Soil Improvement
- Soil Liquefaction Risk Mitigation Using Earthquake Drains and Other Drainage Techniques
- Soil, Slopes, Geosynthetics, and Retaining Wall Package
- Soils and Soil Mechanics - Nuances of Borehole and Sample Logging
- Solving Problems and Pursuing Opportunities
- Speaking - How to Prepare and Deliver a Convincing Presentation
- Steel Structures On-Demand Webinar Package
- Stormwater Infiltration Basin Design - Design Considerations and Example Projects
- Stormwater Management On-Demand Webinar Package
- Stream Restoration - In-Channel Structure Design and Placement
- Stream Restoration - Proper Channel Sizing and the Significance for Future Channel Stability
- Stream Restoration and Bioengineered Bank Stabilization - Fundamental Concepts
- Stream Restoration On-Demand Webinar Package
- Stream Restoration: What Works and What Doesn't Work
- Strengthening Concrete Buildings
- Strengthening Structural Steel Beams
- Strengthening Wood Beams and Joists
- Structural Building Condition Surveys: Looking for Trouble
- Structural Considerations for Building Additions
- Structural Design of Steel Stairs and Rails
- Structural Renovation of Parking Garages
- Structural Supports for Rooftop-Mounted Equipment
- Structural Thermal Bridging in the Building Envelope
- Success & Failures: Case Studies of Mistakes
- Supporting Suspended Loads from Building Structural Elements
- Sustainability On-Demand Webinar Package
- Sustainability Series Part 1: Carbon Reduction and Renewable Energy (On-Demand Techsession Package)
- Sustainability Studies and Assessments of Ground Modification Works for Civil Infrastructure
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Coal Combustion Products – Part II of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Construction Using Recycled Materials – Part I of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Foundry Byproducts – Part IV of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications On-Demand Webinar Package
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications – Part III of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Recycled Base Aggregates in Pavement Applications - Part III of VI-1
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Sustainability & Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Materials - Part VI of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Sustainability & Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Materials - Part VI of VI-1
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Tire Derived Aggregate in Geotechnical and Environmental Applications- Part V of VI
- Sustainable Geotechnical Applications: Tire Derived Aggregate in Geotechnical and Environmental Applications- Part V of VI-1
- Sustainable Infrastructure Using Envision to Plan, Design and Rate Infrastructure Projects
- Sustainable Sediment Management for Navigation Projects
- Target Zero Injuries - Developing a Comprehensive Safety Program for Engineers and Constructors
- The Blessings of Disaster: The Lessons That Catastrophes Teach Us and Why Our Future Depends on It
- The Competitive Workforce
- The Emerging Partnership between ASCE and NOAA and its Implications for Addressing Nonstationarity in Weather and Climate Extreme in Civil Engineering Practice
- The First Three Rules of Construction - Document, Document, Document
- The Five Most Common Errors Made During Bridge Inspections
- The Future of Transportation, Connected Automated Vehicles
- The Impact of Design, Construction and Maintenance Features on the Long-Term Performance of Pavements
- The Importance of Floodplain Design in Stream Restoration, River Stablization and Flood Damage Mitigation Projects
- The Integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling Tools in Water Treatment Plant Design
- The Measurement of Soil Suction in the Field for Geotechnical Engineering Applications
- The Pricing of Delay Costs for Construction Projects
- The Road Safety and Signage Audit - Proactive Roadway Safety in the 21st Century
- The Role of the Specialty Engineer (From the Wood Truss Industry's Perspective)
- The Seismic Coefficient Method for Slope and Retaining Wall Design
- The Value of Structural Detailing
- Thin Pavement Surface Treatments to Improve Friction and Reduction Moisture Infiltration
- To Bayes or Not To Bayes
- Traffic Signal Design
- Traffic Signals On-Demand Webinar Package
- Traffic Studies for Implementing Short-Term and Long-Range Roadway Improvements
- Transforming Urban Water Management - A New Strategy Explored
- Transportation Infrastructure Considerations for Super Heavy Load Moves
- Troubleshooting Unsteady Flow HEC-RAS Models
- Tuned Mass Damper Applications to Reduce Wind Induced Vibrations of Tall and Slender Structures
- Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
- Underground Construction Engineering Technical Committee Presentation on Recent Advancements in Underground Engineering and Construction
- Underpinning and Strengthening of Foundations
- Understanding Firewall Basics
- Understanding HEC-RAS Errors, Warnings and Notes
- Upcoming Revisions ASTME 1527 Standard Practice for Environmental Sites Assessment
- Updating Structural Specifications to Reduce Embodied Carbon
- Use of Geosynthetics for Waterproofing Critical Hydraulic Structures
- Using Gridded Rainfall in HEC-HMS
- Using HEC-RAS 5.0 for a Coupled 1D/2D Analysis
- Using HEC-RAS 5.0 for Two Dimensional Hydraulic Analyses
- Using HEC-RAS 5.0.7 for Two Dimensional Hydraulic Analyses
- Using Nonlinear Analysis and Fiber Wrap Material for Efficient Seismic Retrofit
- Using Technology to Mitigate Wet Weather Overflows and Reduce Infiltration and Inflow (I/I)
- Verification of Computer Calculations by Approximate Methods
- Vibration of Concrete Floors - Evaluation, Acceptance and Control
- Vulnerable Road User Planning & Design
- Water Balance Modeling for Alternative Covers
- Whole Building Lifecycle Assessment: Quantifying Impacts of Construction Materials
- Whole Life Carbon Webinar
- Wind Design for Components and Cladding Using ASCE 7-16
- Wind Design for Industrial Facilities
- Wind Design for Non-Residential Wood Structures
- Wind Design On-Demand Webinar Package
- Wind Loading: MWFRS and C&C Approach for Non-Rectangular Low-Rise Buildings
- Wood Deterioration Investigations and Repairs
- Wood Structures On-Demand Webinar Package
- Working Smarter - Using Brain Basics to Enhance Individual and Organizational Performance
- Writing: How to Engage and Convince Your Readers
- An Introduction to ASCE 7-22 Wind Loads: Part 2